sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2012

MY BABY 25 words

There's nothing better than hearing your baby say their first word or having a mini conversation with your toddler. Scientists have now come up with a list of 25 words that your toddlers should be using by the age of 2.

Your baby may say their first word from as early as 4 to 6 months, and by the time they're 18 months to 2 years old, they may even be able to string a sentence of 2 or 3 words together.

American scientists have developed 'The Language Development Survey' to help parents find out if their toddlers are on track with their speech.

The survey is a checklist of 310 of the most common words toddlers can say, including the top 25 which all toddlers should be able to say by the age of 2. These include mummy, daddy and banana.

The average toddler will be able to score 150 out of the 310 words, and normal scores range from 75 to 225. Toddlers who score less than 50 words, may need extra help, according to Professor Leslie Rescorla, who designed the survey. She said: 'If children don't use most of these words by 24 months, they may be late talkers.'

But Professor Rescorla also suggests that late talkers may just be late bloomers and if toddlers who have scored low in the survey are otherwise developing normally, parents shouldn't panic.

If your toddler still seems to be struggling with talking by the age of 2 and a half, it may be a good idea to speak to your health visitor, or doctor, who may advise speech therapy to help get them back on track with their speech development.

This is a list of the most-common 25 words that toddlers should be able to say by the age of 2, according to The Language Development Survey:

  1. Mummy
  2. Daddy
  3. Baby
  4. Milk
  5. Juice
  6. Hello
  7. Ball
  8. Yes
  9. No
  10. Dog
  11. Cat
  12. Nose
  13. Eye
  14. Banana
  15. Biscuit
  16. Car
  17. Hot
  18. Thank you
  19. Bath
  20. Shoe
  21. Hat
  22. Book
  23. All gone
  24. More
  25. Bye bye

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